
Monday, March 16, 2015

All Things New

All things are new for us right now.

We are in a familiar place, being back in Nova Scotia, but so many things are still new to us.  

Our entire family structure has shifted.  Mitch is out of the home most days working, and I am home home with Amy 4 days a week.  The other 3 days consist of church, mom & tot play group, and ladies Bible study.  The days that I go to those usually end up being an all day thing in town because we live a bit out of town and we have one vehicle.  Lets just say that Amy is finally getting use to taking her morning nap in the car on our way into town, and her afternoon nap at the church in the crib they have.  

It has been quite the adjustment for me being home with Amy a lot more too.  I am really loving it!  She is growing and learning SO much and I absolutely love being with her for it.  She brings such joy to our lives... :)  

Mitch has also taken on a whole new role which has taken some time to adjust to.  A week after we arrived he began interning at our church.  He works along side the pastors helping them with a wide variety of tasks.  He also is given set time each day to work on our Ministry Partnership Development (MPD).  He has had numerous visits with church's in the area and we have been encouraged to have some express interest in joining with us in ministry.  

One of the big things we were praying about and seeking discernment in was regarding whether Mitch should get a part time job while we were here.  We have some debt we want to pay off and we would use the funds from his job to do so.  The only problem was his restricted availability.  So we prayed, and God provided the perfect job!  He is working at a specialty burger joint, and they are more than willing to schedule him around his internship, MPD schedule and no Sundays.  What an answer to our prayers!

So one might ask how long we plan to be in Nova Scotia, and all we can say is 'I don't know'!  We are waiting for Mitch's green card and because of uncontrollable circumstances on our end we have not yet been able to apply for it.  We hope to apply within a couple of weeks, and once he gets it we are USA bound!

We have complete peace and trust in God's timing of all of this.  We have our plans, but we have learned to hold those plans loosely.  :)

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