
Thursday, January 16, 2014

s0uNdz & 5yMb0Ls...Say What?!

Sounds & Symbols, or Phonetics, has been consuming much of our time as of late.  This class, in particular, has been one of the ones that we have been looking forward to for many years!  In it we are breaking down all of the sounds that the human body can make, not just the ones we make in English.

Some might ask "why are you learning Phonetics?  I thought you were at 'Bible school'?"  

While some of our classes include Bible courses, we are here to train how to learn and translate the Bible into an unknown language, with many of them being only spoken languages.  So a thorough understanding of how languages are formed, and how each sound is made and represented is vital for us to reach this goal.

 Jesus said:

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations..."

For us, that word "all" means just that, all.  There are over 2,000 people groups that do not have God's Word in their heart language, and we want to be a part in seeing that number reduced!  

So here we are, in a class with 23 students who share this same passion...studying that one day more people will be able to know and read God's love story to them.  If we learn how they speak, we will then be able to tell them the freedom and hope they can have through Jesus!

Want to join with us as we train and be a part of our team?  Click here to find out how!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Christmas Blessings

This past Christmas was filled with so many blessings for us!  We were excited to be able to fly home to Nova Scotia to celebrate with our friends and family there.  We were constantly reminded of Gods amazing timing and provision through our time there. 

A friend took some pregnancy pictures
while we were there.  What a special
gift to us!
We were able to fly to and from without any travel interruptions, praise God for that!!!  Both times we were just a few hours away from storms.  

We had several wonderful opportunities to connect with loved ones during our 3 weeks, and as always the time just flew on by!

We went to Nova Scotia with great expectations in a way...Expectations from God.  As we traveled we were very aware of our financial need back here in Ontario for our tuition.  We believed during our time there that God would work and that He would be the one to provide for us if it is His will for us to be here in the training.  God most definitely moved, but it wasn't at all how we expected Him to.

We were plagued with horrible winter weather our whole time in Nova Scotia, and we were not able to visit some church's like we had hoped to while we were there.  3 weeks just didn't seem like enough time to do everything that we felt needed to be done, but we chose to trust God in His timing in the midst of the uncontrollable circumstances.  

We were blessed to speak at our home church, Immanuel Baptist Church.  What an encouragement that body of friends are to us!!!  
After we shared at our Church
We left Nova Scotia just a few short days ago feeling encouraged by those who chose to join with us in this task of seeing the Gospel taken to those without it, yet still hopeful in how God was going to provide the rest of our tuition needs still waiting for us in Ontario.

We began classes today, and as we went to class we checked our mailbox and we were amazed to find a letter that came just after we left back in December.  In that letter was a generous donation to us that would cover almost all of our tuition bill remaining for last semester!!!  What an amazing surprise!  It was there waiting for us the whole time!  Mitch and I are so thankful, humbled, and astounded yet again by those in our lives who have chosen to partner with us.  We were reminded again at how it is God who is providing all we need while we are here, and we are SO thankful for the generous hearts of those God has placed in our lives!

Thanks to all of you who have partnered with us.  Thanks to all of you who have been an encouragement to us.  Thanks to every single one of you who prays for us, and for most thanks be to God for being Jehovah Jireh, the One Who Provides!!!

Beginning today with our North American World View course