
Thursday, August 14, 2014

To Be Faithful

What does it look like to be faithful?     

The faithfulness of God is something that I often have wondered about, wrestled with, and been blown away by.  God seems to always open my mind more and more about what it means to understand His faithfulness.

Looking through the Old Testament one of the biggest themes is the faithfulness of God.  Time and time again God proved Himself faithful to a faithless people.  He revealed his love and desire to have a relationship with them even when they spat in His face and worshiped false gods.  He stayed true to His promises even when his chosen people chose to turn their back on Him and trust in themselves, or others...anyone but Him.

And in the New Testament we see Jesus.  Beautiful Jesus.  We get to see the face of the One who we were told about, the One who we get to walk and talk with, the One who is going to save us.  We get to witness the faithfulness of the Father lived out in the life and death of Christ.  How beautiful is Gods faithfulness!  How mind blowingly amazing is it that we know this One, the Holy One, this Most Faithful One?!

As I sit here typing, sipping my tea, and listening to music filled with the reminder of God's faithfulness I cant help but look back and see the hand of God working in our life.  God has indeed been faithful to His people throughout history, and He has also been faithful to Mitch and I.

Most of the time we don't understand what God is doing in our life.  Most of the time we ask God for His will to be done, yet do all we can to see our desires come true.  The constant battle between 'Your will be done' and 'give me what I want' rages in our minds.  Yet in the midst of that battle God is walking along side us, faithful.  He knows what we need, when and how we need it.

He is faithful.

All we need to do is take every worrisome thought captive, and trust that He is who He says He is, and that is in fact FAITHFUL.

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