
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Blizzards and Applications

Xerxes loves playing in the snow!
Sampson really does hate the cold!

     A blizzard?  Yes!  We are having one!  I always have loved crazy weather.  I am not sure why, but I always think of it as an adventure.  :)  Whether it was 3 feet of snow in 24 hours in Alaska, crazy rain with flooding ocean waters and huge red wood trees blowing over in Oregon, tornado's and lake effect snowfall in Michigan, and now hurricanes and blizzards in Nova Scotia, I just seem to love it all!

     Along with crazy weather, this year so far has brought lots of other fun things!  Mitch was able to go to a young adults retreat in January call The Well.  It was in New Brunswick, and was located an hour outside of Muncton.  I had to work that weekend, but Mitch had a great time of fellowship, got to know some new friends, and really had time to rest in the Lord and be challenged by the Spirit. :)

     We are still blessed to be helping out with the youth at our church.  Mitch and one of the other guy small group leaders planned a guys night at our place last weekend.  They had a blast!!  It was a game night, and there was every kind of game you could think of going on all at the same time!  007 on the PlayStation, Mario Kart on the Wii, various card games, Risk, and so much more!  about 15 youth came and stayed the night.  I had to work a night shift that night doing inventory at work, so it worked out great because that made it possible for it truly to be a guys only night.

    We are also VERY excited to update that we are en-route to the Missionary Training Centre !!  We are in the process of applying right now.  Lord willing we will be attending fall of 2013.  We have lots to do before then, but are very excited to go!  It has been 4 years since we graduated from the Bible Institute and we have been longing to attend the MTC since then.  God has taught us SO much in those 4 years.  He as matured as a couple as well as individually and we are excited to begin the process of moving forward in our training to be career missionaries!  The unreached people groups of this world weigh heavy on our hearts every day, and we long so desperately for them to come to know their Saviour and Creator!  We are overwhelmed with joy to be a small part of that mission.  We are trusting the Lord in directing us, and know He will guide us along in His perfect timing.

Where we will be moving
     We are in the process of applying to the MTC right now.  For those who aren't familiar with that, it is the Missionary Training Centre with New Tribes Mission.  It is located in Durham Ontario Canada.  It is the final part of the training with New Tribes Mission that we need before we will, Lord willing, go overseas to serve Him in reaching the people groups of this world that do not have Gods Word in their own language.  It is this Word that directs our life, gives us hope, and has transformed our lives in every possible way!  It is what allowed us to know our Creator, Saviour, and allows us to have a loving relationship with Him!  There are roughly 2,000 language groups in this world that don't this life-giving gift, and we want to help bring that number down!  That is what we are passionate about, and that is why we want to do what we want to do. :)

Faces of this world
     As we begin to prepare there is lots for us to get done.  We have to finish our applications.  We then will need to build our team.  Yes, Mitch and I are the ones physically going, but it will take a large team of people who are passionate about the unreached peoples of this world to come along side us and join with us in this ministry!  Prayer is the most vital tool we have, other than the Word itself, and we need people praying with us and for us, that God will do His work through this ministry.  Along with prayer we will need people join with us financially.  Once we are accepted to the MTC we are considered New Tribes Missionaries and in order for us to finish our training and start our over-seas ministry we will need to raise the monthly support to keep the ministry going.  We love seeing how God raises up His people to join with one another to accomplish His will!  Just like the Audio Adrenaline song "Hands a Feet" so wonderfully put it, we are His hands and feet in this world!
Faces of this world

     Please join with us in praying!  We are praying for our hearts to be prepared for what is to come.  We are praying for wisdom, and that He will raise up a team of believers to come along side us in this ministry!  Ask the Lord if He has a place for you in this, reaching the unreached.  Being a part of taking His Word to those who dont have it.  A part in giving the gift of eternal life to those who have no hope, and a part in giving the most priceless gift anyone could give-the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ!

     We are so blessed by everyone God has placed in our lives!  We are excited to see how God works out the details of His ministry.  He is truly Jehovah Jireh, and He always provides!


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