
Monday, October 17, 2011

Some pictures of the local scenery - SUCH beauty!

My friend Brittany and I went on a walk in Victoria Park-which is just down the street from where we live. It is SO beautiful! There are several waterfalls like this one, and so many cool deeply rooted trees in the sides of the hills...what a relaxing and beautiful time it was!

These pictures were all taken out in the country a bit about a half an hour from where we live. I just love all the farm houses painted such bright colors! They have so much unique and aged characteristics to them...

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A Season of Waiting...

Summer has arrived! Yet again another season has passed. Winter is over, the snow and ice have melted away. Another beautiful layer of Nova Scotia has surfaced and I am in awe of God's creative beauty! I was driving to a friends house yesterday to do some baking. She lives out in the country a bit, and I couldnt believe the things I saw as I drove. Huge fields of corn just starting out, with big red barns and grazing holstine cows in the background seeming like they have been there for as long as time itself. How amazing it was! I would have tried to capture it with a photo but our camera has recently broke, so there might not be as many picture posted for the next little bit.

(I didnt take this picture, but found it and thought it captured the local scenery very well)

With the changing of the seasons has also brought the changing of our location. We found a cute 2 bedroom apartment in town and moved in the beginning of April. We are really close to everything in town, and while we miss the beautiful half our drive into the country, its quite nice living so close to everything. Mitch has been at his new job for almost 6 months now and he is really enjoying his work. He is able to commute with quite a bit of people who live close to us, and he has made some friends with the guys he works with. We are so thankful for Gods provision through his job while I have not been able to get work.
As I titled this post a Season of Waiting I chose those words becuase that is exactly what I have been doing! Waiting, waiting, and more waiting! For my work permit that is. After some miscomunication from the Canadian Immigration Services, I submitted my work permit form at the same time as my Permanent Residence form but I mailed them to the wrong places. As a result, my work permit form was rejected and I have been waiting for my Permanent Residence form to process so I can then re-apply for my work permit. The Lord has definantly been teaching us patience in all of this, as well as constantly reminding us of His amazing love in His daily provisions for our needs. He is truly a God who cares about every detail of our lives!
What are the next few months going to bring? Well, we are planning a trip to Halifax, Nova Scotia's capital, for our 3rd wedding anniversary in August. We are also working on getting things paid off and saved up so we can go back to school. We are constantly reminding ourselves to enjoy each day, but we are also so very excited to finish schooling. We are so thankful for the time we have had here so far, and we love the relationships God is building for us here. We know that God will lead us on to that next phase in our lives after He has prepared everything perfectly for us here. His will - not ours. What a re-occuring theme that is for us in our lives!
We look forward to what the Lord has instore for us this summer, and we pray that all of you, our friends and family, will be blessed and encouraged this summer.

Take care and God bless,
Mitch & Amanda

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Snow in Canada?

So we finally have begun to get some snow. It has been kinda a funny winter. We have had more rain than snow, which people find ironic with this being Canada and all. We took a day to go outside and play with our pug dog Sampson and to just enjoy Gods beautiful creation. Here are some pictures from our day.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

And...2011 begins!

So, time has just been flying by since we arrive the end of October! Mitch has been working a lot. He was blessed with another job working at Mcdonalds. We have gotten involved in a great little church in town. Its a recent church plant and we really like the people that are attending there.
We had a great Christmas and New years. We both had colds and werent feeling great, but we had a very relaxing and nice time with our close family and friends.
I have been keeping myself busy with a handful of different things. I have been quite suprised how fast everything is going with me not working. I have been helping a Lebonease women with her English speaking a few times a week. Ive been really busy with trying to get all of my imigration paperwork in order.
I was hopeing to get it mailed in last month, but as I was going through the checkoff list, I discovered two things that I hadnt done yet that would take some time for me to do. I didnt realize I needed my medical exam and background check done before I would submit the paperwork. I thought that they would tell me when and were to get them done after I sent in my paperwork. So I did get the medical exam done, and I mailed off the the information for the background check. The results could take a while to get back though. I am going to submit my paperwork soon, and then will have to submit the background check results after I get them back. We are hoping that I will get my work permit soon so I can start working!
We will definately keep things updated as they change! Thanks so much for all your support!
Untill next time...
The Chaplins'