The last post we did was about faith. It seems like that our faith is always being tested! We trust God with one thing, and just after that something else really big comes up that stretches us to trust Him even more. I guess that is the christian life... :)
When I last wrote, we didn't know where our next steps would take us. We were in Nova Scotia for the summer looking to reconnect and build up our financial support team more. We were very behind in some of our school bills, and in order for us to return we were needing to raise a hefty chunk of money.
In our own eyes it seemed impossible, but we knew that if it was God's will for us to return to the training and finish this year that He would do something amazing.
Our last Sunday in Nova Scotia was one that was leaving us hanging. We would tell people: "See you next week or next year!". As we sat in the airport waiting to board our flight we still didn't know what was going to happen. Up to that point in time we still needed several thousand dollars if we were to start up classes in just two days. Right before we boarded our flight Mitch checked our e-mail one last time and when I saw the look on his face I just knew God had done something huge! He showed me the phone and told me to read this e-mail that we had just received. I read it and it was from someone who wanted to look after the rest of our remaining debt!
We walked down the terminal to board our flight, tears in our eyes, humbled again as to why God would choose to use us.
He is faithful!
God is rarely early but He is always on time.
So here we are! One month into our final semester of training at the MTC with just 3 months left. Classes are going great! We have finished up our Literacy course and we both really enjoyed that. Learning how we can teach a people group how to read and write for the first time was great, and it got us pumped up for the idea of one day doing it outside of the classroom.
We began our Language Practicum this past week. That will be the single most biggest class we will have. It will run from now until the end of the semester, and in it we will be putting to practice all of the things we have learned so far. We have been partnered up with a student who spend many years in Germany and has German family members. We will be doing language sessions with him as we will do once we move into a cultural context, in addition to some cultural sessions. We will be using the program to input all of the data that we collect and learn from him, and will have to prepare a report on what we learned through this whole time.
Adjusting to the life of new parents plus us both being full time students its been a bit crazy. This new class is going to be very time consuming, and will entail a lot of homework. We will have to work out a childcare program for Amy with our classmates as well. This is to give us a feel for what it will be like overseas. If babysitters are needed then us and our co-workers will need to work that out amongst ourselves. All of this is to prepare us for what we will face overseas, accept that there will be all of this, plus more and all in a new place and culture! Are we ever thankful that we have a body of believers going along side us through prayer and support?!
We trust His provisions in the day to day as well as in the big things.
God is faithful!